Spinal Manipulation
Chiropractic adjustments are performed by the hands of the doctor. They are very safe, generally painless, and extremely effective in the hands of a skilled doctor.
In our facility, we are fully equipped with the latest in physiotherapeutic modalities, such as: Therapeutic Ultrasound, Electrical Stim, Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Manipulation, and many others.
Nutritional Medicine
It is literally true that you are what you eat. More than just dietary supplements, nutritional medicine is the science of diet modification to correct deficiencies, decrease inflammation, and support or restore health.
Orthotics and Supports
Imbalances in ones gait can cause significant problems in ones spine. When corrective exercises aren’t enough, we use GaitScan technology to accurately measure the foot and produce high quality orthotics.
Children have spines too! Often problems such as infantile colic, reflux, scoliosis, poor posture and many others respond well to chiropractic techniques. Chiropractic is very safe for children and our techniques produce excellent results.
Physical Examinations
As licensed physicians we are fully equipped to do your pre-school, pre-employment, and other physical examinations, including all blood and urine tests. We can order any kind of diagnostic laboratory or imaging test as appropriate.
Wellness Care
Many think that health is merely the absence of pain or symptoms. A wellness approach to health means adopting a variety of healthy habits for optimum function on all levels – physical, mental, social, and spiritual.
Non-Force Methods
Sometimes, due to pain, injury, or just preference, manual adjustments are not possible. In these circumstances, we employ techniques like SOT and ACTIVATOR, as well as AK, to accomplish the end goal, that is, to make the joint move and restore its function.