Spinal stenosis
Spinal stenosis has become the latest in a long string of “fashionable” diagnoses. Presumably the medical establishment assumed that if they label a patient as having spinal stenosis, then that patient will not consult a chiropractor, and merely assume that we can’t help them. Nothing could be further from the truth.
It turns out that there are TWO major mechanisms for what can be labeled “stenosis” of the spinal canal.
The first type as shown at left is where there is actual narrowing of the spinal canal, caused by trauma or the extension into the canal of spurs, or spondylosis.
The second, and ONLY a DC can tell you if this is the type you have, is where one vertebra is shifted over the other, either forward (antero) or backwards (postero) listhesis. In this event, the MRI will be read by the radiologist as having a narrowed spinal canal, but THIS narrowing can usually be corrected by Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments.
Remember, if yours is NOT a chiropractic case, we will refer you to someone who can help you. But, if yours IS a chiropractic problem, then nothing else will ever likely help you.