So You’ve Been In An Accident?
If you’ve been involved in an automobile accident in New Jersey, there are a number of things that you should do: some immediately, some the same day, and a few over the next few days. In this post, I will give you a list of the things that you should do, the information that you need to collect, and how to discuss an accident with your doctor.
Things To Do Immediately:
If you’ve been involved in an automobile accident, either your fault or not, here are some of the things that you should do immediately:
- Do not leave the scene of the accident.
- If you are obstructing traffic, and if your vehicle is still drivable, pull off to the side of the road as close to the accident as possible
- Call the police to the scene
- Exchange names, phone numbers, insurance information, vehicle plate numbers, etc. with the other driver(s)
- Take photos of your vehicle, the other person’s vehicle, and the surroundings
- Call your insurance company, and make a report and get a claim number
- Your insurance company may want to send an adjuster to the scene of the accident to investigate
Things To Do On The Same Day:
If you have been injured in an accident, get medical attention.
If you hit your head, lose consciousness, or have cuts from the impact, go immediately to the hospital emergency department to get checked out.
Once you have been released from emergency care or urgent care, contact a chiropractor and make an appointment to be evaluated.
- Make sure you provide your doctor with:
- A copy of your insurance card
- The claim number you got from your insurance claims adjuster
- A detailed history of the accident, including:
- – Your location in the vehicle (driver, front-seat passenger, rear passenger, etc.)
- -Whether you were wearing a seat belt
- -How the collision occurred, where your vehicle was struck/struck by the other vehicle
- -Whether airbags deployed
- -Whether you went to the hospital, how you got there (car/ambulance), what was done there, what medications you were given, if any
- -If you struck your head, lost consciousness, or were dazed or dizzy
- -What parts of your body are hurting, how badly, and if there are any areas of numbness/tingling
- If you are coming to see us at North Jersey Whole Health Center, please click this link and print and fill out this questionnaire about the accident and bring it to your first appointment.
Things To Do Soon After An Accident:
- If there is damage to your vehicle or you were injured, it is a good idea to contact a personal injury attorney.
- -Usually, your doctor can make a recommendation for an attorney, or you may have a referral from someone you know. Choosing an experienced attorney can make your life much easier after an injury.
- Get a three-ring binder and keep copies of all paperwork, bills, doctor’s reports, and insurance correspondence
- -Keep everything in chronological (date/time) order
- -This will make your doctor’s and your attorney’s job much easier and will ensure that you keep everything where you can find it later
For more information, check out https://www.dmv.com/nj/new-jersey/auto-accidents
Welcome to North Jersey Whole Health Center, LLC we offer services such as Chiropractic Manipulative Therapy, Gait Scan Technology, Nutritional Medicine, Orthotics and Supports, Phonophoresis, Physical Examinations, Physiotherapy.
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