Common Work-Related Musculoskeletal Injuries

To View Content, Click The Link What Are Musculoskeletal Disorders? What Are Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSD)? What Are the Risk Factors for WMSDs? How Common Are MSDs? What Are Musculoskeletal Disorders? Double-angle 666 5pxblock lrMusculoskeletal disorders include a group of condit...

Anatomy of Lower Back

To View Content, Click The Link Lumbar Vertebrae Lumbar Discs Lumbar Facet Joints Lumbar Spinal Nerves Lumbar Spinal Musculature Sacroiliac Joint Lumbar Vertebrae The lumbar spine contains 5 moderately large vertebrae which sit atop the sacrum. These bony segments act as attachments for muscles a...
Vitamin D and Sleep Quality

The Relationship Between Vitamin D and Sleep Quality

Sleep Quality Difficulty sleeping, both in falling asleep and in staying asleep may be related to a vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D, also known as the sunshine vitamin, is made by the body in response to exposure to UV light. During the winter, vitamin D levels fall as the length of the day short...

Magnesium – An Essential Element

One of the biggest problems that I commonly see in practice is either frank or subclinical magnesium deficiency. Deficiency can cause high blood pressure, muscle tension/pain/spasm, anxiety/depression, as well as a number of other maladies. Diagnosing deficiencies is often somewhat tricky, as the...
Posture Series

Posture Series – Self Assessment

If you haven’t already checked out our first two articles on Posture Series – Self Assessment . These postural exercises and stretches are designed to help improve your upper body posture. But how do you know whether you need to be performing them? An easy way to figure this out is to stand i...
Posture Series – Doorframe Pec Stretch

Posture Series – Doorframe Pec Stretch

Doorframe Pec Stretch one of the leading causes of forward-flexed posture is over contracted pectoralis muscles. Modern humans spend most of the time with their arms out in from of them, and when muscles are held in a shortened position, or overused, they tighten up. This can lead to the pec musc...
Upper Crossed

Posture Series – Brugger’s Postural Break

In the seated position, begin by placing your feet flat on the floor, and sitting on the edge of the chair. Next, open the shoulders up, and place the hands in the palm up position. Next pull your shoulder blades together and down (making sure that you’re not shrugging your shoulders). Finally,...
Speeding Up Recovery Time

Speeding Up Recovery Time

Speeding Up Recovery time for most people, recovering from a broken bone is an exercise in patience. For an active person, being told that you have to significantly reduce or cease activity in order to let the bone heal is equivalent to torture. However, there are a few things you can do to help ...
Stress And How To Get Relief

Stress And How To Get Relief

Stress and how to get relief that is short term can be beneficial in that it serves to focus our attention on important matters. However, when stress becomes ongoing and chronic, it can cause immense problems for the sufferer and may end up in depression. It can adversely affect our performance a...
Survival Guide For Holiday Stress

Survival Guide For Holiday Stress

Survival guide for holiday stress whichever holiday that’s presently looming, you know they’re not always the relaxing times you’d like them to be. This is especially the case at Christmas. Shopping and visiting and hosting and eating and drinking … it all becomes a mad blur that can leav...