Corrective Exercise

Corrective Exercise

Dr. Press is now certified as a National Academy of Sports Medicine Corrective Exercise Specialist! What is Corrective Exercise? Corrective Exercise is defined as: “… the systematic process of identifying neuromusculoskeletal dysfunction, developing a plan of action, and implementing an integrate...

Physical Examinations – NJ Whole health

Physical Examinations – At North Jersey Whole Health, our team of licensed physicians is fully equipped to handle all your physical examination needs, whether for pre-school, pre-employment, or other requirements. Physical exams are essential for assessing your overall health and ensuring that yo...
Posture Series

Posture Series – Self Assessment

If you haven’t already checked out our first two articles on Posture Series – Self Assessment . These postural exercises and stretches are designed to help improve your upper body posture. But how do you know whether you need to be performing them? An easy way to figure this out is to stand i...
Posture Series – Doorframe Pec Stretch

Posture Series – Doorframe Pec Stretch

Doorframe Pec Stretch one of the leading causes of forward-flexed posture is over contracted pectoralis muscles. Modern humans spend most of the time with their arms out in from of them, and when muscles are held in a shortened position, or overused, they tighten up. This can lead to the pec musc...